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You should know: The facts and circumstances of your case may not be the same as some of our past cases and may differ from the matters in which results and testimonials have been provided. All results of cases handled by The Caimano Law Firm are not provided and not all clients have given testimonials. The results and testimonials displayed on the following page are not necessarily representative of results obtained by this firm or of the experience of all clients or others with this firm. No two cases are the same, and each client's case must be evaluated and handled on its own merits.
Domestic violence often involves violent actions committed by one member of a household against another, often by former love interests or your current spouse though a child is also able to batter a parent. Domestic violence can also refer to cohabitants and non-married intimate partners. If you have been charged with a domestic violence crime or feel that you are a victim of domestic violence, contact Joe Caimano today to set up a free consultation on how he can help create a fortified defense for you or your loved ones.
Domestic violence comes in many forms, including:
The violence may include physical assault, sexual abuse, or stalking. Along with these, there are a few dimensions that come along with domestic violence including mode, severity, transitory, or frequency.
Some of the general penalties to be expected for domestic related violence can include:
In addition to minimum jail sentence, it will be mandatory for you to attend theBatterer’s Intervention Program. This is a small group therapy session tasked with examining and changing any abusive behaviors. The penalties received are in addition to prison sentences or fines from the state on the level that the assault was committed. Florida domestic violence laws might seem confusing, and if you are facing charges like these, you want to be certain that you are being educated properly. Call Joe Caimano today and began creating a powerful defense for your case.